Did you know…?

  • Chemical herbicides are poisonous and dangerous. They are hazardous to human and animal health, pollute our waters and weaken our plants.
  • Chemical fertilizers are high in salt and they destroy the soil microbes and cause plants to no longer have a functioning immune system.
  • The use of chemical fungicides reduces the amount of antioxidants that a plant produces.
  • Plants that are weak and stressed send out signals, vibrations, scent molecules and gaseous energy that pest insects can read! Pest insects and disease are attracted to sick, malnourished and stressed plants. They attack and feed on poorly fed, weak plants as their call to duty.
  • Chemical fertilizers have only five (5) minerals and a salt index of 99.9%. Any salt index of 69% is considered injurious to plants.
  • Fifty two (52) is the minimum number of minerals plants need for complete health.
  • One teaspoon of healthy soil contains:

    • 500 million bacterium
    • 300 miles of fungal strands
    • 3,000 Protozod
    • 10-50 worms

  • Healthy soil will self manufacture plant fertilizers, natural insecticides, biological fungicides and suppress weeds all to the benefit of the plant.
  • Properly fed plants will produce healthy growth, beautiful color and naturally resist pests, insects, disease and weeds.
  • Organic landscapes use less water by:

    • Allowing more water to enter the soil
    • Storing more water
    • Healthy root systems access water better

  • The key to a successful landscape is feeding plants the highest nutrition possible, correct drainage, correct irrigation and the right plant for the site.
  • Organics are safer for your children and pets!

Let me show you how to grow an organic garden!


Technology Uses Less Water

Research shows that drip irrigation saves 30 to 70 percent more water when compared to sprinklers. That's because water is immediately available to the root zone and isn't wasted through evaporation, wind, overspray, mist, or surface runoff.

  • Less likely to be banned during drought - More communities are instituting mandatory water restrictions or even bans during droughts. Drip supports efficient water use by using virtually every drop of water, often receiving exemptions when other forms of outdoor watering are restricted or banned.
  • Uses reclaimed or recycled water - Drip systems work with recycled/reclaimed water, a goal of many municipalities in their landscape projects.
  • Soil moisture is kept at a more constant level.
  • Lower water bills.
  • Increased irrigation efficiency and water conservation.
  • During hot days, evaporation lost from irrigation sprinklers can be as much as 30 percent of the water used.
  • The systems are aesthetically pleasing.

Increased Plant Growth

  • Drip benefits include fuller blooms and greater beauty with annuals and perennials. Mature shrubs and plants grow fuller and healthier.
  • Improves turf health - Used successfully for decades, drip benefits turf because the water supply is consistently delivered to the root zone. Subsurface irrigation eliminates problems due to misplaced or misaligned sprinklers, broken sprinkler heads, and sprinkler donuts.
  • Keeps foliage dry - This reduces plant fungal diseases. Unsightly brown spots on roses and other flowers are eliminated since water spray never touches the plant.
  • Eliminates plant obstruction issues - With an overhead system, one plant often blocks water from others nearby, causing some plants to get too much water while others get too little. Drip irrigation eliminates this problem by delivering water evenly to the soil of surrounding plants.
  • Design flexibility - Easily adaptable to any landscape shape, drip solves the problem of oddly-shaped and hard-to-water areas. It's an ideal solution for slopes, which are notoriously hard to irrigate and are often wasting massive amounts of water.

It is evident from all of the above benefits that drip irrigation provides many more advantages than just saving water!